by | Jul 22, 2022 | Updates
MAD Energy is excited to introduce you to one of the co-founders and directors of our clean energy movement, Daniel Davillier, in this breaking new interview! Mr. Davillier is based out of New Orleans, LA, and the MAD headquarters is out of Sandpoint, ID. In this...
by webmaster | Apr 13, 2022 | Updates
Managing Director, George Wentz, joined former Bitcoin Foundation member, Conrad Zen, on his show to talk about some of the energy portfolio projects at Make A Difference Ventures. In this highlight excerpt, not only will you hear Mr. Wentz explain MAD’s LNG project...
by | Apr 2, 2022 | Updates
In March the MAD team was excited to host our inaugural investors meeting, exclusive to our investors to date. It was a huge success! We hosted between 50-100 Limited Partners live – several who tuned in with video on and asked questions face-to-face...